Javin Wright’s Transition to Linebacker: Trusting the Process Pays Off for Nebraska

When the Nebraska Husker coaching staff approached Javin Wright about making a position change during the offseason, he initially had some reservations. He had always considered himself a defensive back, which was the position he had come to Nebraska to play. However, after discussing the potential position switch with the coaches and understanding what it entailed in the team’s defensive scheme, he decided to trust the process.

Despite his initial doubts, Javin Wright embraced the position change to linebacker. He believed in the coaches’ vision and the new role they saw for him in the defense. This trust in the coaching staff’s plan has paid off, as he has excelled in his new role as a linebacker.

In the 2023 season, Javin Wright has already recorded 29 tackles and an interception. He had a career-high seven tackles in a game against Michigan. While he didn’t appear on the stat sheet in the most recent game against Purdue, he has consistently contributed with at least four tackles in six of the team’s eight games.

Javin acknowledges that he still possesses qualities of a defensive back and linebacker and takes pride in his strengths in both areas. However, he now openly identifies as a linebacker, a crucial part of Nebraska’s defensive rotation. He has played 232 snaps this season, significantly more than the previous year, despite still being in the process of learning the intricacies of the linebacker position. He emphasizes that effort and physicality have been key to his success.

At 6-foot-5 and 215 pounds, Javin Wright’s transition to linebacker has been impressive. He attributes his growth to trusting the process, which involved the entire defense’s buy-in. Despite a challenging start to the season with two losses, the defense saw potential and believed in what they could achieve. Wright points to the video analysis that highlighted their ability to make plays.

His confidence in the coaching process has grown, especially through intense practices during the week. The defense’s bonding and teamwork shine through during these practices, ultimately translating to success on game days.

Javin Wright’s journey to this point has required patience and perseverance. He played in just three games in his first three years at Nebraska, followed by 10 games last year on special teams and defense. He reflects on the obstacles he’s overcome and expresses gratitude for the opportunities he’s been given.

Defensive coordinator Tony White commends Javin’s attributes as a tall, explosive, and fast player. The emphasis on effort and being physical is what matters most. Javin follows the RDV principle – Relentless, Disciplined, Violent – values instilled by his father, former Blackshirt Toby Wright.

Javin’s father’s influence, along with the guidance and trust of the coaching staff, has helped him embrace his role as a linebacker in the Nebraska defense. He appreciates their unwavering belief in him, even in moments of uncertainty or mistakes.

As November arrives with significant football games ahead, Javin Wright is poised to make a meaningful contribution to the Huskers. He trusts in his abilities and the guidance of the coaching staff, forging a promising path in his football journey.

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