Maria Sakkari’s biggest battle is …..

Maria Sakkari’s Biggest Battle: Conquering the Voices in Her Head


Maria Sakkari, the Greek tennis star, has long been recognized as one of the most talented and hardworking players on the WTA Tour. However, her journey to the top has not been without its challenges, and her biggest battle has been the constant struggle against the voices in her own head.


Sakkari’s rise to the top 10 in the world has been marked by impressive performances at the Grand Slam level, including a run to the US Open semifinals in 2021 and the French Open quarterfinals in 2020. [2] Yet, despite her undeniable talent and determination, Sakkari has often found herself plagued by self-doubt and negative thoughts that have threatened to derail her progress.


“The biggest battle I’ve had to face is the one inside my own head,” Sakkari admitted in a recent interview. “It’s not the opponents I face on the court, but the constant battle with the voices that tell me I’m not good enough, that I can’t win, that I’m going to fail.” [4]


This internal struggle has been particularly evident in Sakkari’s recent performances at the Grand Slam level, where she has struggled to maintain her composure and confidence. After a string of early exits at the last three major tournaments, Sakkari acknowledged the toll that these mental battles have taken on her game. [5]


“It’s been really tough, to be honest,” she said. “I know I have the ability to win these big matches, but sometimes the doubts and the negative thoughts just take over, and I find myself unable to perform at my best.” [5]


Sakkari’s coach, Tom Hill, has been instrumental in helping her navigate these mental challenges. Together, they have worked tirelessly to develop strategies and techniques to help Sakkari quiet the voices in her head and focus on the task at hand.


“It’s all about building confidence and self-belief,” Hill explained. “Maria has the physical and technical skills to compete with the best players in the world, but the mental aspect is where she has really had to work the hardest.” [4]


One of the key strategies they have employed is the use of visualization and mental imagery. Sakkari spends time each day picturing herself executing her shots with precision, staying calm and focused under pressure, and ultimately emerging victorious. [4]


“It’s amazing how powerful the mind can be,” Sakkari said. “When I’m able to visualize myself succeeding, it helps to quiet the negative thoughts and gives me the confidence I need to go out and perform at my best.” [4]


In addition to visualization, Sakkari has also worked on developing a more positive self-talk and mindset. She has learned to replace the negative, self-defeating thoughts with more constructive and empowering ones, reminding herself of her strengths and past successes.


“It’s all about reframing the way I think about myself and my abilities,” Sakkari explained. “Instead of focusing on the things I can’t do, I try to focus on the things I can do, and to remind myself that I’ve been in this position before and come out on top.” [4]


Sakkari’s commitment to this mental training has been evident in her recent performances, where she has shown a renewed sense of confidence and resilience. At the 2024 Australian Open, she was able to overcome the mental hurdles that had plagued her in the past, winning her opening match in straight sets and advancing to the third round. [3]


“It was a huge relief to finally get that first-round win under my belt,” Sakkari said. “I know I still have a long way to go, but it’s a step in the right direction, and it’s given me the confidence to keep pushing forward.” [5]


As Sakkari continues her quest for Grand Slam glory, she remains steadfast in her determination to conquer the voices in her head. She knows that the mental battle will always be a part of her journey, but she is committed to finding the strategies and tools to overcome it.


“At the end of the day, tennis is just as much a mental game as it is a physical one,” Sakkari said. “And if I can learn to master the mental aspect, I know that the results will follow on the court.” [4]


With her unwavering work ethic, her support team, and her newfound mental resilience, Maria Sakkari is poised to continue her ascent to the top of the women’s game. And as she does so, she will serve as an inspiration to players and fans alike, showing that the greatest battles are often the ones we fight within ourselves.


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