TODAY:Wildcats return with the $40 Million mega Star…mark Pope future See Why

TODAY:Wildcats return with the $40 Million mega Star…mark Pope future See Why


when he had three scholarships available and was open to what he was looking for when adding the final few pieces.


He’s the same way with the final spot — one that looks to be filled come the season. But, Pope isn’t going to fill it just to fill it, stressing the importance of every spot on the team.


It’s going to be a massively important piece,” he said of the final scholarship.


Whether you’re from Kentucky, out on the west coast, in the northeast or overseas — Mark Pope is going to add talent that fits. He is also going to add players over talent … players that have the same mindset and goal in mind that the other 12 players and the entire staff have.

“If you’re not here to come win a banner,” Pope said profoundly. “Than this is not the right place for you.”

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