Shocking news; “What Bob Knight would want” — Mike Woodson on player reunion, new roster, golf more


Watch as IU basketball coach Mike Woodson joined WISH-TV’s Anthony Calhoun on Tuesday following the tenth annual Mike Woodson Invitational golf outing.

Following an IU basketball player’s reunion on Saturday in Bloomington, Woodson welcomed some of his former players to his golf outing in Indianapolis on Tuesday.

“I’m just trying to keep us all together man, because that’s what Bob Knight would want, because he started the process many years ago, and I’m trying to continue it,” Woodson said.

Woodson also briefly spoke about his revamped IU roster for the 2024-25 season.

“We’re deep, and when you add seven new players you’ve got to put it all together and guys gotta bond,” Woodson said.  “I thought this summer, when we went through our summer program, I thought that was fantastic in terms of these guys getting to know one another.  That’s going to be the key as we grow as a ball club.

Mike Woodson, the current head coach of Indiana University (IU) men’s basketball, has been at the forefront of not just rebuilding the storied program but also fostering a sense of unity that goes beyond the hardwood. Recently, Woodson reflected on his efforts to strengthen ties between former IU players, embrace the new roster, and honor the legacy of legendary coach Bob Knight. Woodson’s leadership is driven by the principle of creating an atmosphere that echoes Knight’s values of family, loyalty, and togetherness.

At a recent player reunion and golf outing, Woodson shared insights into the significance of maintaining strong connections with the past while pushing the program forward. For him, bringing the IU basketball family together is a cornerstone of what Bob Knight, who led Indiana to three national championships, would have wanted. Knight, who had an indelible impact on IU basketball and college basketball at large, has been a guiding figure in Woodson’s career, and his influence continues to resonate in Woodson’s coaching philosophy.

The player reunion that Woodson helped organize was not just a casual gathering—it was an intentional move to bring former IU players together, reinforcing the bond that has kept the program strong through the years. The reunion featured notable alumni from different eras, many of whom played under Knight, and served as a reminder that being a Hoosier is a lifelong commitment. For Woodson, who played under Knight from 1976 to 1980, these reunions go beyond nostalgia—they are about keeping the IU basketball family intact.

In his comments, Woodson emphasized that the reunion was exactly the kind of event Bob Knight would have supported. “This is what Coach Knight would want,” Woodson said during the gathering. “He always talked about how important it was to stay connected with each other, no matter where life took us after basketball. This reunion is about building on that legacy, keeping our brotherhood strong, and showing that we are still here for each other.”

The event provided an opportunity for players from different generations to share their stories, reconnect with old teammates, and offer advice to current players. This sense of camaraderie and unity, rooted in Knight’s principles, is something Woodson aims to carry forward as the foundation of the IU basketball program.

While honoring the past is important to Woodson, he is equally focused on shaping the future. The new roster for IU basketball represents a mix of promising young talent and experienced veterans, all of whom will play a crucial role in the team’s success. Woodson has made it clear that the current players are part of the same tradition that has produced numerous basketball legends at IU.

“Our roster is filled with guys who want to win, who want to compete,” Woodson said. “We’ve got the talent, and it’s about molding that talent into a unit that works together. That’s what Coach Knight always preached—team first. No one player is bigger than the team.”

This season, IU has recruited several top-tier talents, and the returning players are expected to step into leadership roles. Woodson’s coaching strategy centers around accountability, defense, and selflessness—tenets that are in line with the style of play that made Indiana a dominant force under Knight. His approach is to instill these values in the new roster, ensuring that each player understands the responsibility that comes with wearing the IU jersey.

In addition to the player reunion, Woodson hosted a golf outing as part of the broader initiative to strengthen relationships among current and former players, coaches, and supporters of the program. While the event provided a fun and relaxed atmosphere, it also served a deeper purpose. The golf outing was a fundraiser aimed at supporting IU basketball initiatives, with all proceeds going toward resources for player development, facilities, and future recruiting efforts.

Woodson spoke about the importance of using these kinds of events to not only raise funds but to also bring people together in a meaningful way. “This is more than just a game of golf,” Woodson said. “It’s about showing our current players that they’re part of something bigger than themselves. When they see the former players, the supporters, and the staff all coming together, it reinforces what it means to be a part of Indiana basketball.”

The event was a success, with many prominent figures from the IU community taking part. The presence of former players, university officials, and fans highlighted the deep-rooted support that the basketball program enjoys, and the funds raised will go a long way in ensuring the continued success of IU basketball.

For Mike Woodson, the mission is clear: uphold the legacy of Indiana basketball while building a new chapter that honors the values instilled by Bob Knight. The player reunion and golf outing were not just symbolic gestures—they were active steps in strengthening the program’s culture and ensuring that IU basketball remains a family, both on and off the court.

Woodson’s dedication to fostering unity among players past and present is a testament to his belief in the importance of tradition. By keeping the IU basketball family connected and committed, Woodson is working to create an environment that Bob Knight himself would be proud of. As the new season approaches, it’s evident that the values of loyalty, hard work, and brotherhood will continue to define the program under Woodson’s leadership.

In his own words, “This is about family, about tradition, and about doing what Coach Knight would want—staying true to Indiana basketball.”

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