Rashford Has the Coach’s Backing as Erik ten Hag Slams Brutal Criticism of Man United Star, Calls It “So Stupid”

The ongoing saga surrounding Marcus Rashford’s recent form has sparked heated debates among fans, pundits, and former players alike. Criticism of the Manchester United forward has intensified, with many questioning his work rate, decision-making, and overall contribution to the team. However, in a bold and somewhat unexpected defense, Manchester United manager Erik ten Hag has slammed the relentless critiques of Rashford, labeling them as “so stupid” and insisting that the England international has his full backing.

Erik ten Hag’s Defiant Stand

During a recent press conference, ten Hag did not mince his words when addressing the “brutal” criticism aimed at Rashford. The Dutchman’s response was fiery, defending his player against the barrage of negative comments and reminding critics of Rashford’s contributions to the club over the years.

“It’s so stupid,” ten Hag said emphatically. “Criticism is part of the game, but some of what I’ve seen and heard lately is completely out of order. Marcus is a key player for us, and he has my full support. He’s going through a rough patch, yes, but that doesn’t mean he’s not giving everything for the team.”

Ten Hag’s public backing of Rashford is not just a show of loyalty; it’s a clear message to those doubting his managerial approach. The United boss is known for his no-nonsense style and has been credited with instilling discipline and tactical rigor into a team that has often lacked direction. Yet his fierce defense of Rashford has sparked a new wave of controversy: Is ten Hag blind to Rashford’s declining performances, or is he right in shielding his player from what he perceives as unfair scrutiny?

The Numbers Don’t Lie, But They Don’t Tell the Whole Story

Critics argue that Rashford’s stats this season paint a concerning picture. His goals and assists tally has dwindled, and his overall impact on games has diminished, with many accusing him of complacency following his recent contract extension. Fans have been quick to point out his missed chances, lack of pressing, and moments of apparent disinterest on the pitch.

However, ten Hag’s defense isn’t just about the numbers. The manager sees Rashford’s struggles as part of a broader team issue, highlighting tactical adjustments, injuries, and the need for more cohesion in the squad as contributing factors. To ten Hag, Rashford remains a player of immense talent and potential, whose form can be reignited with the right support and environment.

“People forget very quickly what Marcus has done for this club,” ten Hag continued. “He’s been here through tough times, and he’s stepped up when we’ve needed him. It’s easy to criticize from the outside, but within this team, we know what he brings to the table.”

Double Standards in Football Criticism?

Ten Hag’s comments have also reignited discussions about double standards in football criticism. Rashford, who has been in the spotlight since his teenage years, has not only carried the weight of United’s expectations but has also been a vocal advocate for social causes off the pitch. Some argue that his high-profile activism has made him an easy target for criticism whenever his form dips.

“Rashford’s done more off the pitch than most players will do in their careers,” one supporter noted on social media. “He’s held to an impossible standard, and when he’s not scoring every game, people are quick to forget everything else.”

There’s also a perception that certain players, particularly English stars, face disproportionate criticism compared to their foreign counterparts. While Rashford has been lambasted for his performances, other underperforming players at the club have escaped similar scrutiny, leading many to question the biases that exist within football punditry.

The Bigger Picture: A Team in Transition

Ultimately, the Rashford debate cannot be separated from the broader context of Manchester United’s current struggles. The team is still finding its identity under ten Hag, navigating a challenging season with injuries, inconsistency, and off-field distractions. Rashford’s form is symptomatic of a larger problem, not the root cause.

Ten Hag’s firm stance on Rashford sends a clear message: this is a manager who values his players and won’t be swayed by public opinion. While the critics continue to dissect every misstep, ten Hag remains focused on building a team that supports one another, even through the rough patches.

Whether Rashford will turn his season around remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: he has the unwavering support of his manager. And in today’s volatile football landscape, that might just be what he needs the most.

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